Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Another Life Saved

Zoey: Ready to Play Again!

“She’s getting worse,” the woman’s voice wavered on the edge of hysteria on that Monday when Kathy, a volunteer, answered the phone at the Community Veterinary Center (CVC). “She’s vomiting and won’t eat.”

A week ago, Zoey, an eight-year-old female boxer had come to the CVC clinic because she was sick. Dr. Conklin, CVC’s veterinarian, had examined the dog and dispensed antibiotics, but she didn’t think they would help much. She knew what Zoey needed was out of reach for her owner as she tried to prepare the woman that her beloved pet was indeed, very sick. “If this is pyometera, and I think it is,” Dr. Conklin drew a breath and steadied her voice. “Zoey will need emergency surgery and we aren’t equipped for surgery yet.”

The woman clutched Zoey’s medication, and tried for a brave face as she and her boxer slowly walked out of the exam room. Every step Zoey took sapped her energy and drained a little more of her spirit. The bill for Zoey totaled $65.00—more than double the money in her owner’s pocket. Kathy took a $20.00 payment and refused to take the woman’s last $10.00."That's okay" she said, "you can make payments."
A week later, while seven inches of heavy, wet snow caused havoc in the city, Zoey was much worse. Emergency surgery was all that could save her now.

Because the story of a little dog named Drea had appeared in the Register Guard, many generous people had sent in donations. From the crisp $250 check, to the worn $20 bill carefully folded in a piece of paper and placed in an envelope, addressed in pencil by an elderly hand—money had come in. But these funds were limited and it was understood that once they were spent, they may never be replaced. Still, the clinic's board decided that Zoey's life had to be saved.

A board member found a veterinarian who would do the surgery for the money on hand. Zoey’s owner rushed her sick dog to the clinic through the thick slush that covered the road. She returned home to wait for news. The news was good. Zoey spent the night after the surgery at the clinic but then she went home where her recovery continued.

“You guys saved Zoey’s life, and mine,” the tearful owner exclaimed a few days later. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

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